The International Society for Ceramics in Medicine (ISCM) is a leading scientific association, which aims to encourage research and information dissemination in the field of ceramics in medicine.

ISCM members gain the following benefits:

  • Networking Facilities at the password-protected, member-only, area of ISCM’s website, to allow ISCM members to find other members and share information through the Members Directory.
  • Worldwide networking since the ISCM brings together the major international specialist in ceramics in medicine.
  • Access to the content of the official ISCM journal.
  • Reduced Rates at the BIOCERAMICS Conference.
  • Professional recognition through the prestigious ISCM Awards.

Membership of the ISCM is open to any person irrespective of nationality, who has an interest in ceramics in medicine, and is accepted for membership by the council.